
(延續上週的報告Part 2
The CIER also anticipates that private fixed capital formation will plunge by 24.04 percent this year with nearly 50 percent year on year shrinkage in the first quarter, further contractions of 29.32 percent in the second quarter and 14.68 percent in the third quarter before rising 3.15 percent in the fourth quarter of 2009. However, the CIER anticipates that large scale investment and spending by government and state enterprises in the second quarter, thanks to the passage of the NT$500 billion, four - year special budget for expanded public works, will lift total capital investment by 7.76 percent in the fourth quarter for an overall contraction of 14.68 percent in real gross fixed capital formation. The CIER anticipated a 11.99 percent contraction of real exports of goods and services in 2009, including year - on - year quarterly contractions of 29.21 percent in the first quarter, 16.42 percent in the second quarter and 6.48 percent in the third quarter before a 7.36 percent fourth quarter rise.



After a 35.49 percent first quarter drop, imports of goods and services in inflation adjusted terms will similarly contract 17.67 percent in the second quarter and 6.92 percent in the third quarter before rising by 7.93 percent in the last three months of 2009 for a 14.09 percent decline this year, according to the CIER outlook. Underlying the poor trade picture will be an annual contraction of 22.17 percent in merchandise exports and a shrinkage of 27.64 percent in merchandise imports this year, according to the CIER analysis. The think tank anticipates that a modest rebound in world trade and will help lift the Taiwan economy by 3.88 percent in inflation adjusted GDP terms next year.



2.private fixed capital formation:私人固定資本形成??像這種單字大概都認識,組合起來卻不知道在說啥的拗口英文,如果不是工作需要,大大們其實也不用硬記,不過還是有簡單的方法可以解讀。基本上當財經英文在討論總體經濟的統計對象時,分成「政府」與「非政府」兩部分,「政府」的用法下面會講。非政府指的就是「民營企業」,就用「private」(不要直譯為「個人的、私人的」喔)。至於fixed capital formation,相較於flow capital流動的資本,指的就是「錢」;fixed capital就是固定的資本,指的就是「廠房、機器」,所以private fixed capital formation就是「民間企業願不願意買機器、蓋廠房」,簡譯為「民間投資」囉。



5.rising:當專家想表達「成長」、「增加」之時,除了increase,這個rise大大們一定也會常看到,尤其描述股市的漲跌,更為普遍。0419提過的positive expansion,也叫做增加,不要忘太快了ㄋㄟ。

6.state enterprises:國營事業。之前還聽過有小朋友用「country company」來表示國營企業。呵呵,不對啦,若照字面直譯,state是美國的「州」,所以乍看之下會以為是「州立」企業,不過這就是「國營事業」的標準用法。至於中間要不要加「-」,到底是state enterprises 還是stateenterprises,ㄚ你又不是要考托福,隨便啦,都可以啦。



9.a 7.36 percent fourth quarter rise:第四季成長7.36%。看到這邊,大大應該發現,為了不要用同一種方式描述同樣的事情,專家很愛改編句子的結構。就像這句,可以改為「rise by 7.36 percent in the fourth quarter」,反正就是動詞名詞的用法改編換位置,再加個by就好。




13.outlook:展望。就中文字義,感覺是不是也有「前景、預期、預估」的意思在裡面?沒錯,正有此意!會提出是因為有小朋友曾問,outlook,很像是look out,不是往外看嗎,怎麼會變成向前看?……,這位少年,你嘛真有創意……

14.underlying the poor trade picture:在很窮的貿易圖之下??說實在的,這句underlying the poor trade picture還用的真不錯。因為文章前面已經提到了第一季進出口狀況差、第二季也差、第三季仍差,第四季才好一點,所以「整體來說」,2009年全年進出口貿易表現並不好,用as a whole來表示「全年、整體」也是可以,不過比不上underlying the poor trade picture來得妙!舉例來說,My wife ignores my feeling, my son disrespects me, my daughter dislikes me, and even my dog will bark at me violently. Underlying the poor family picture, what am I supposed to do?「老婆不甩我,兒子不鳥我、女兒不愛我,連養的狗都會吠我,在這種惡劣的家庭環境之下,你說我該怎麼辦?」(純粹舉例,我家水某最愛我了)。所以underlying the poor trade picture譯成「在此慘澹的貿易水準之下」,我自己是覺得還不壞啦!


16.think tank:拜託不要直譯為「思考坦克」,那翻成「思考戰車」會不會比較有氣勢ㄚ?『中經院的思考坦克預測……』,這樣的翻譯,鬼才聽的懂,聽的人一定會想坦克,什麼坦克?中經院有坦克喔??它就是大家常聽到的「智庫」、「智囊團」啦!



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