
Taiwan has relaxed 240 rules and regulations governing business activities since May last year, the Council for Economic Planning and Development (CEPD) announced Monday. According to the CEPD, the country's top economic planning body, the rules and regulations that have been relaxed include the recently revised Company Law and the Income Tax Law.


1. relax:這個字叫做『放鬆』,大大們一定都認識,而且都知道該怎麼用。不過大家比較習慣用在身體的放鬆或是心靈的放鬆,其實這個字在財經英文的用法,就是「鬆綁」。中文字很妙,鬆綁,好像是有東西被「綁」住了,解開束縛就稱之為鬆綁。如果根據這個想法,比較適合的單字是「loose」(不是lose喔,裡面有兩個o),它就是把繩子解開、把鞋帶解開的「鬆綁」。財經英文上這兩個字通常是可以換著用。



CEPD officials pointed out that the Cabinet adopted draft regulations last month aimed at promoting industrial innovation and encouraging overseas companies to set up distribution centers in Taiwan by waiving land taxes. In addition, the directions for reviewing work rules for newly established enterprises will also be amended to shorten the screening process from 14 days to seven. 


1.point outpoint是「點」,out是「出」,point out就是「點出、指出」,望文生字,夠簡單明瞭吧!所以大大們以後碰到「XXX……」,可以不要只用saytalk,用point out可以多~~~一點水準,想用單一單字就用indicate囉。

.adopt:這個字是『採取』。當然大大們用take是絕對OK的,不過take比較空泛,adopt就有「採取措施、接納建議」的涵義,財經英文嘛,還是慣用些比較對味的字。就像前兩週提到的,股市下跌,用fallgo down這種簡單的字來描述,有啥不好?幹嘛還要用plungelost ground?中文意義其實差不多,只差在味道囉!

3.promote:一般用到這個字,大概是「推銷」、「晉升」,譬如Salesmen are those who promote new products to potential customers. Tony will be promoted to a higher position next month.財經英文裡,promoteencourage的意義類似,都有『鼓勵、促進』的意思。

4.waive land taxes:如果真的要簡單的表示減稅,用cut就可以了,譬如減稅30%,就寫cut the tax by 30 percent。不過本文講的不只是減稅,而是『免稅』!若用cut land taxes by 100 percentcut all the land taxes,不是不行,只不過有點不精簡,waive就是『完全放棄』的意思,就像「棄權」,用的就是waive ones right。所以用waive land taxes來表示免稅,不錯ㄋㄟ!

shorten:這個字太讚了!很多人想表達「縮短」時,大概會用contractcut down,當然OK,不過short表示「短」,shorten就是「縮短」,是不是更簡單?而且這種用法,還可以延伸。譬如long表示「長」,lengthen就是「加長」;strong表示「強」,strengthen就是「加強」;weak表示「弱」,weaken就是「減弱」。有些可以直接+en(強、長),有些則用名詞+en(弱、短)。不過雖然好用,也千萬不要太誇張,tall 表示「高」,tallen就是「變高」?並沒有!


The CEPD plans to relax a further 120 regulations this year to give the business sector greater convenience and flexibility, the officials said, adding that the laws to be amended include the Trademark Act, the Patent Law, the Cooperative Society Law, and the Guidelines for the Audit of Income Taxes on Profit-Making Enterprises. The officials said that with these changes, they expect the business environment ranking to rise when the World Bank Group releases its annual report next year. In its 2009 report, the World Bank Group ranked Taiwan 61st among the 181 economies listed. 


1.further可以用來表示「繼續」,其用法在前幾週已經提過,至於with these changes,「藉著這些改變」,好像也提過了,是第三段比較值得大大們留意的用法,新朋友請記得回去看看前幾週的PO文。


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